THE qamis Dubai better known as Emirati qamis, is a traditional outfit worn by Arabs and Muslims.
A Middle Eastern man's qami
Inspired by the United Arab Emirates, this black qamis stands out with its famous tie which gives it both a chic style but also serves to deposit perfume. Indeed, the tarbouche (tie) absorbs perfume very well and thanks to its movements diffuses your perfume throughout the day.
A mix of tradition and modernity
This men's qamis perfectly embodies the marriage between tradition and modernity, like the dazzling modernization of the Emirates which has preserved its traditions. This mixture is reflected by his tie which gives him a touch of modernity and elegance. The traditional side is embodied by its minimalist style without collar or embroidery ornament.
Why choose Quamis Dubai?
- A long, thick, elegant tie
- A removable tie to vary the style of qamis
- A closure with reinforced snap buttons
- A fluid and breathable fabric for absolute comfort
What is the difference between the Emirati qamis and the Dubai qamis?
At first glance, these two kamis seem to be similar but they have a completely different style. The Qamis Dubai embodies a minimalist style without decorative embroidery, combining sobriety and elegance for those looking for a more formal and refined style.
Conversely, the Qamis Emirati offers a more sophisticated and chic style with its numerous embroidery ornaments on the Qamis and the sleeves for those looking for a unique and refined style.